Woods, LaFortune LLP

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Michael Woods Invited to Participate in CUSMA Dialogue

Posted by on Mar 24, 2022

Michael Woods has been invited to the first Canada United States Mexico Agreement CUSMA  Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Dialogue on , April 22, 2022, in San Antonio, Texas. The event will bring together SME stakeholders, including those from underrepresented communities for discussions with government officials to discuss strengthening regional trade and investment under CUSMA, enhancing cooperation on issues of mutual interest to SMEs, and helping more small businesses benefit from the CUSMA. The SME Dialogue is convened annually on a rotating basis among the three CUSAM partners. The first CUSMA SME Dialogue is being hosted by the United States together the University of Texas San Antonio Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the International Trade Center, and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s U.S. Export Assistance Center. The agenda includes a review of  small business trade resources for exporting and importing under CUSMA; SMEs sharing their best practices for trading across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico; and small business COVID-19 recovery resources. Michael was a member of the private sector SME “Working Group” that met with Global Affairs Canada negotiators  during the CUSMA negotiations.  The negotiations led to the precedent-setting SME Chapter [ Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) – Chapter 25 – Small and medium-sized enterprises (international.gc.ca) ] and other measures designed to increase trade opportunities for North American SMEs [  https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/cusma-aceum/business-commerce.aspx?lang=eng...

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Michael Woods to Join the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Committee-UK (IPAC-UK)

Posted by on Mar 18, 2022

Michael Woods has been formally invited to participate in ongoing technical discussions with Canada’s negotiators regarding the upcoming Canada-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (FTA).  The Government of Canada tabled a Notice of Intent to enter into negotiations in December 2021. In April 2022, Round 1 FTA negotiations are set to begin in London and Round 2 is scheduled for will be in Ottawa in June 2022. Michael will be joining the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Committee-UK (IPAC-UK) and providing views to Canadian negotiations about issues of particular importance and interest to Indigenous peoples. Among the topic of interest will be the inclusion of a Trade and Indigenous Peoples Chapter and specific provisions safeguarding  Indigenous interests.  During the Canada-U.S.-Mexico Agreement negotiations, Michael participated in a similar exercise as part of the Indigenous Working Group. [ Michael Woods & IITIO Submission on NAFTA Modernization Indigenous Peoples Participation Consistent with Canadian and International Law and Policy – Woods, LaFortune LLP (wl-tradelaw.com) ; Michael Woods Attends Round Six of NAFTA Negotiations in Montreal – Woods, LaFortune LLP (wl-tradelaw.com)...

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Michael Woods Stays Connected to FITT

Posted by on Mar 16, 2022

Michael Woods was pleased to attend the Forum for International Training (FITT) Annual Gala on March 3, 2021, as a specially invited quest. The virtual event celebrated FITT’s 30th Anniversary, featuring keynote addresses by Ms. Sara Wilshaw, Chief Trade Commissioner of Global Affairs Canada and Ms. Mairead Lavery, President and CEO of Export Development Canada.  Michael participated in the virtual networking with FITT”S  Certified International Trade Professionals (CITP) celebrating 5, 10, 15, and 20+ years as CITPs. Michael retired from the FITT Board of Directors, having served since 2008.  Among the many highlights of his work on the Board was the work process that led to FITT’s formal partnership arrangement with Export Development Canada (EDC) aimed at delivering enhanced trade education to Canadian companies and trade professionals.  At the core of the partnership is the EDC-FITT International Trade Learning Centre (Centre) – a digital platform from which EDC and FITT that offers information, learning modules, and other knowledge-based resources FITT is a Canada-based not-for-profit (NFP) organization dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses. It provided the only international business training programs and related professional designation (CITP/FIBP) endorsed by both the World Trade Centers Association and the Government of Canada. focused on helping small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) go, grow and succeed internationally. [ https://fittfortrade.com/about-us...

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Woods, LaFortune LLP Invited to Participate in CETA Civil Society Forum

Posted by on Jan 17, 2022

Woods, LaFortune LLP,  has been invited to attend the Fourth Civil Society Forum (CSF), held in connection with the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).  Canada will serve as host of the February 2022 meetings (which will be virtual).  The CSF is intended to promote dialogue between the governments and civil society representatives from Canada and the European Union (EU). Woods, LaFortune LLP has attended past forums which features with participants from the business community, environmental organisations, women’s groups, Indigenous leaders from Canada, and other civil society representatives.  This year the focus of the discussions will be on how Canada and the EU are implementing labour, environment and sustainable development provisions of CETA.  Woods, LaFortune has attended the past forums. Details of the third one forum can be found at this link – [ Meeting of the CETA Civil Society Forum (international.gc.ca...

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Michael Woods Invited to Discuss Canada-UK FTA Negotiations with Canadian Officials

Posted by on Jan 7, 2022

Michael Woods has been invited to take part in a special meeting later this month to discuss the upcoming launch of Canada’s negotiations with the United Kingdom towards a bilateral Canada-UK Free Trade Agreement.  The meeting will with Canada’s Chief Negotiator and other senior Global Affairs Canada officials.  Michael will be joined buy other Indigenous Working Group (IWG) members at the meeting.  The Government of Canada tabled a Notice of Intent to enter into negotiations on December 13, 2021.  [  https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/cuktca-acccru/notice-of-intent-canada.aspx?lang=eng ]...

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