Government Departments and Agencies make decisions on the basis of laws, regulations and administrative guidelines that can have an immediate, negative and lasting impact on your bottom line. Most government decisions can be appealed through one or more of Canada’s appeal and judicial review mechanisms. To protect your business interests, you need to know and understand the options available to you.  Woods, LaFortune LLP understands the appeal and review mechanisms and is ready to help you navigate the often complex legal and regulatory landscape.

Woods, LaFortune LLP’s lawyers appear on appeals and Judicial Reviews before administrative tribunals such as the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), as well as before the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal.  We are consulted by clients and lawyers alike to provide advice, guidance and representation in appeal and judicial matters in order to obtain the best and most effective solutions.  We can use our expertise to help you determine whether a government decision affecting your business is unfair or improper and, if so, we can take the steps needed to address that decision through the Courts.

Our Appeal and Judicial Review practice includes:

  • Review of administrative decisions to determine whether judicial review or appeal is available
  • Preparing and filing cases
  • Preparing and making submissions to Court


Understanding the options and potential for appealing a government decision may be important to protect your business.  If you have any questions concerning government decisions and the potential for appealing or reviewing a government decision, please contact Gordon LaFortune at (613) 424-3921 or by e-mail at for a no fee, no obligation consultation.